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Dating myth or reality? – People are likely to get back with an ex

Last Update : February 16, 2024

Breaking up after spending many years in a serious relationship is one of the hardest decisions to make.

Some people are hesitant to do so because they are afraid of loneliness.

Others because they cannot see their future without someone who has been their partner for so long.

This is why some daters prefer to give their ex-partner another chance.

However, nowadays do most people still get back with their exes?

The dating hypothesis: People are likely to get back with an ex

Throwing away a life that has been built together, years of sharing love and experiences.

Around 44% of young adults at some point have got back with their exes due to this reasons.

This is what a joint study carried out in 2012 by researches from the University of Wisconsin, Bowling Green State University and Milwaukee University found out.

The same research also showed evidence that more than half of adults, in particular a 57%, have had intimate relationships with an ex at some point.

In 2015, the relationship expert Dr. René Dailey and her team from the University of Texas conducted another study where it was shown that around 62% of respondents confessed they have made up with an ex-lover at least once.

Men’s perspective

This romantic tendency is still being a thing.

Currently, according to the website Singles in America, 25% of singles have hooked-up with an ex-partner and 33% have dreamt about this idea.

One of the interesting findings is that men in such case behave in a different way compared to women.

Men are more likely to move on faster or initiate a rebound relationship and are less likely to look for reconciliation.

They also tend to feel less pain after splitting up, and are less reluctant to move forward.

Women’s perspective

The same study shows that women are more sensitive to break ups.

They need more time for recovery and the process is emotionally harder for them.

For many, this is an excuse to get back to an ex or simply continue a healthy friendship with them.

According to the survey by Single in America, many females (42%) are open to stay friends with an ex.

Dating myth or reality?

Nowadays a lot of people, men in particular, tend to move on faster after breaking up with their long-term partner.

However, a considerable number of adults, women in particular, do not hesitate to get back to an ex even it may not be the best decision.

Facing loneliness or the pain caused by a break-up still is a no-no for many people.

Therefore, the idea that people are likely to reconcile with an ex is a dating reality!