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Dating as Cristiano Ronaldo

Last Update : May 8, 2024

When you are a famous person, and you are not committed to someone, you can experience your singledom at another level.

There are many celebrities known for the big number of partners they have had during their dating history, and which often include other known personalities.

One of those A-list Casanovas is the Portuguese football player, Cristiano Ronaldo. He is worldwide known for his achievements on the playfield, but also due to his romantic conquers out of it.

How would it be having a date or even a relationship with a man like Cristiano?

Dating a self-centred sportsman

The Real Madrid player is considered one of, if not, the best footballer of the world (competition is always on with other football geniuses like Messi or Neymar).

Being one of the top sportsmen in the globe requires a lot of sacrifice, and making great efforts to stay fit.

You need to stick to a particular work-out routine, do lots of training, and follow a very strict diet.

Cristiano however, in a way, has surpassed the limits when it comes to taking care about his physical appearance. Some may say that is even obsessive.

Years ago, the British tabloid paper “Daily Start” reported that the football star has a daily routine that includes around five hours of training, including 3.000 sit-ups.

Dating a man like him could be positive for your health as he would expect a partner that takes care of her body as the way he does, but the main inconvenient would be that he may be a bit too self-centred.

He probably will be more focused on trying to meet his needs than taking care of yours or than dedicating time to nourish your relationship.

Dating a competitive guy

There is a popular saying that goes: “Stop competing with others, start competing with yourself”.

Being competitive is good because it pushes you to challenge yourself and makes you improve. It is no so great when you base your entire life on it

Cristiano is an innate competitor. He loves competing with others and himself, and his goal is to become (and keep that position of) the best football player ever.

In spite, many dating experts would say that may not be the ideal trait, the desired quality to look for in a potential partner, it is just the opposite.

Guys like him are good a team work. They always think big, and work hard to achieve their dreams. This could beneficial if he decides that the best is to work together to make your relationship grow.

The lifestyle of a golden bachelor

Cristiano Ronaldo’s romantic history is very diverse.

He has been dating women, mostly models, from different nationalities: Italian, Portuguese, British, Indian, Spanish…

Amongst his conquers there also are celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Maria Sharapova, Bipasha Basu or the top model Irina Shayk, his longest partner. They were together nearly five years, and even got engaged, but their love did not pass the test of time.

Cristiano is, at least for the time being, one of the world’s golden bachelors.

His personal goal may be finding the perfect woman, and perhaps settle down, but until this day comes, he will be a free-spirit living the joys of singledom with extremely attractive females.