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Christmas Dating: A survival guide for singles

Last Update : December 15, 2017

The holidays are around the corner and if you’re single or just recovering from a breakup, you might need some extra strength to get over this tough time for singles.

Being single at Christmas can be a real battle: you see couples happily holding hands everywhere, family gatherings where questions about your romantic life become almost a tradition… Bridget Jones described it perfectly!

Do not worry, we have put together a Christmas survival guide for singles!

How to make the most of being single on Christmas

Indeed! Being single at Christmas can be the best thing you’ll ever experience as long as you keep in mind a couple of basic rules.

First of all, if you’re single at Christmas time it means that you can forget about awkward encounters with the in-laws and all that it involves: buying gifts, going to family dinners with people you barely know, making your best at being the most lovely person on earth…

So, if you’re lucky enough not to have Christmas “responsibilities” to attend to, you’re already luckier and freer that most of the people with a partner!

Christmas survival kit for singles

Once that we established the basis of the great benefits of being single at Christmas, let’s explore some of the basic rules you should keep in mind to avoid a miserable holiday.

  • Stay busy and enjoy your single life

Many singles see Christmas as a horrible time to be alone, although most of them actually forget that there are many singles looking to meet other singles, especially in Christmas.

Our advice?

Make the best of it! The best online dating sites are one of the greatest places to meet singles! And Christmas time is the best time to start your online dating experience!

You can start chatting with possible matches, you can even meet for a coffee or a date… the possibilities are endless, and during the Christmas holidays, online dating sites become the place to be.

We also recommend you to stay busy. There’re normally plenty of activities to enjoy at Christmas time, from exhibitions to Christmas markets, to anything that might come to your mind… stay busy!

Plus, the more activities you do the more chances you might have to meet somebody in the same situation as you!

  • Focus on what you really want and enjoy Christmas with your loved ones

As we said before, one of the greatest perks of being single at Christmas is that you don’t really have to go to places you don’t really want to go.

Instead, you can just focus on yourself, on things you want to do and people you love that you want to be around.

Therefore, you should make the best of your single life. Don’t fall into compromises that you don’t really want to attend.

Enjoy Christmas in your own way!

  • Christmas: the time to be social and treat yourself

During Christmas holidays, the streets become more dynamic and crowded. It is a great time to meet people, to go to a bar with a book and ending up talking to a stranger about your tastes in literature…

Christmas is meant to be a time to uplift moods and to do things you don’t normally do during the rest of the year… our advice is to try to be as social as possible.

Put yourself a challenge and try to talk with strangers on the street, on a bar, in a restaurant, library, cinema, etc.

Being single at Christmas can be really great!

Happy Christmas!